Steam Action
Who are Steam Action?
Steam Action are a team of volunteers within Edenham Parish who have, for over 30 years, made it their mission to run regular events on order to raise money to benefit the older generation within the local parish.
What kind of events do Steam Action host?
Every year Steam Action host a Produce Show in the summer, a pantomime and Christmas meal for the older generation in December and a whole host of otherĀ events such as coffee mornings and race nights throughout the year. The money raised for Steam Action goes towards providing the Christmas meal as well as a birthday present for each of it’s members every year. You can keep an eye on our website for the latest Steam Action news as most of their events are held at Edenham Village Hall.
Who is Steam Action run for?
Steam Action is run for anyone over the age of 60 in Edenham, Grimsthorpe, anyone who lives within Edenham Parish.
If you know of someone (or are someone) who is of retirement age and would like to become a member of Steam Action to benefit from the work we do then please get in touch on the Contact Us page and we’ll make sure your details are passed on to the Steam Action committee.
There are no fees or commitments for becoming a member of Steam Action so why not take the opportunity to be more involved with the social events that are held? It’s run by local people for local people as an opportunity to give something back, we have a lot of fun with the events that are held so don’t miss out!
Steam Action are always looking for people to join the committee and make a difference to local people, please get in touch if you would like to join us!